Retire Young

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Martin Hash
Posts: 18265
Joined: Wed Jan 20, 2010 2:02 pm

Retire Young

Post by Martin Hash » Mon Jan 04, 2016 3:53 pm

1) Minimize your financial obligations: no house payments, car payments, furniture payments, or payments of any kind.
2) Don't desire things that other people have.
3) Live as inexpensively as possible while still finding inexpensive things that you like to do a lot, and make it a habit to do those things.
4) Have a list of things you want to do and the year you're going to do them in, and start planning.
5) During the child-rearing stage of your life, you don't really have a lot of options so just siege-mentality it during that time.
6) Having a spouse with the same goals is a MUST.
7) If it ain't working out, pivot.
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