Newspaper Declaration

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Martin Hash
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Newspaper Declaration

Post by Martin Hash » Sun Mar 07, 2010 5:59 pm

I timed my announcement press release to go out early Saturday morning so it would make the Sunday paper. I noticed that my Republican opponent had gotten that coveted Sunday front page of "Clark County" section and I admired him for pulling it off - I wanted the same: Instead, they held the article for a week and published it on Saturday - the lowest readership day, but that's probably a good thing...

To begin, the picture is old, not the one I sent them. Second, the catch line mentions Don Benton and the fact that I withdrew from a race with him two years ago. (Don Benton is mentioned twice more in the article.) Third: is it not newsworthy that I'm an attorney, accountant, Ph.D. in computer science, general contractor, U.S. Patent Agent, small business owner/operator, and lived in the 17th District for 30 years? As far as I could tell from this article, I'm a guy with a "fortune" who travels the world, makes movies and runs for political office on a lark. In fact, I did NOT make my "fortune" from the computer graphics business, that was more a labor of love - I made my nest egg in real estate, the stock market, and selling software I'd written to Microsoft. Also, many of my articles are published in PRINT magazines like "iPhone Life," "3D World," and others (you can see the scans from the magazines in this forum.)

None-the-less, Kathie Durbin (the byline) was friendly to me during our interview, and she could have made it a lot worse because I shoot my mouth off, and like I said, it was a Saturday publication, so I'm good with the whole thing.
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