Getting Back the Middle Class

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Martin Hash
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Getting Back the Middle Class

Post by Martin Hash » Mon Mar 21, 2016 8:41 am

It wouldn't take much to get the Middle Class back, but the answer sure isn't unions, that's part of the reason we lost it in the first place. To begin, the winner-take-all aspect of our society is the culprit. The fact is the top end of our population is interchangeable. How someone becomes a high-paid banker is much more a result of their family connections & fraternity than merit, and that person could almost be replaced by lottery from 10 million other competent people.

For a Middle Class to exist, there has to be a constant redistribution of wealth. I've suggested "no inheritance" where you give all your money away in small chunks anyway you like. For really rich people, that means there's still a lot left over after the family gets their chunk that essentially ends up fueling the Middle Class.

Another idea is to recognize the Minimum Wage/Living Wage is what's driving jobs out of the country. Scrap that whole concept & instead partially implement the "National Dividend," welfare but only if you work. The employer pays the Market Forces value of the job & society makes up the difference.

Lastly, high marginal tax rates would stop excessive executive pay.
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