Gun Control

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Martin Hash
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Gun Control

Post by Martin Hash » Sun Sep 22, 2013 10:01 am

Following the recent news, most mass gun killings in the U.S. are committed by folks who are mentally ill. I have some familiarity with psychotic people: frankly, chance is the only thing keeping them from committing violence. However, when on their meds, they're "normal." The gun-grabbers are hypocrites because their argument is to take guns from everyone rather than put mentally-ill people on a registry – not that that would stop anything – but it would be the most obvious background check.

The argument against a registry of mentally ill people is Right To Privacy, which is an implied right as determined by the U.S. Supreme Court, while the Right To Bear Arms is an enumerated right. It is not up to gun-grabbers to determine which rights outweigh others – that is a Supreme Court decision, and it will be held to Strict Scrutiny. Gun-grabbers have no evidence that new gun laws will have any effect – their singular goal is to eliminate guns, however unjustified that may be. It’s simply a case of one side wanting to force their beliefs onto the other – kinda like anti-abortion nuts.

Not to single out gun-controllers, the gun-worshipers are just as big of hypocrites. Gun-rights advocates are usually Patriot Act supporters. The Patriot Act, by actions of the NSA which have recently become known, allows government to intrude on a citizen's private data, even when encrypted. The people who are always screaming about their 2nd Amendment rights should be screaming just as loud about the 4th Amendment violation of unlawful searches.

p.s. I don’t own a gun & don’t want to own a gun, but I want my privacy, and I don't want my personal data searched!
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