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Martin Hash
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Joined: Wed Jan 20, 2010 2:02 pm


Post by Martin Hash » Fri Oct 27, 2023 8:47 pm

Gnosticism is the belief that society is a construct that everyone subconsciously molds themselves to, but gnostics reject the brainwashing to be more in control of their lives. This sense of superiority is narcissistic; everyone considers themselves the center of the universe, and are resentful of anyone else who seems to be more center than they are. Gnosticism has been around for thousands of years because resentful people throughout time have used it to feel intellectually superior to their betters. Feminism is gnostic, as is transism. Feminists believe they were given inferior bodies without their permission, and men have been exploiting their physical advantage. Trans people take it a step further; they believe they were thrown into bodies that don’t match their soul. In both cases, it’s society that is enforcing the rules but these modern gnostics reject the brainwashing.
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