Equal Pay For Equal Work

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Martin Hash
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Equal Pay For Equal Work

Post by Martin Hash » Sun Oct 21, 2012 7:51 am

The word “equal” in a slogan immediately signals that somebody has a selfish agenda they want to hide behind seemingly sincere rhetoric. The one thing everyone should know about life is that it’s NOT fair and it’s NOT equal – and it should NOT be! Other countries have tried the equality philosophy in the past– it didn’t work out too well for them. Luckily, America’s Constitution champions liberty, so the “equality” folks need stealth and subterfuge to accomplish their goals.

Employers often pay people who do the same job differently, (called "seniority" or "my cousin" or market pressure.) Lots of folks get their panties in a bunch yelling "unfair!" These folks want "equality." In fact there's a whole political philosophy based on equality called "social justice," or Marxism if you're honest. Liberty trumps equality in America so the Marxists propose laws that would allow them to enforce their own ideas of equality. They want to use lawsuits as their weapon and make arguments based on statistics. Worse yet, this is the self-righteous, sanctimonious crowd who believes they have moral authority and anyone who disagrees with them is evil or ignorant. Yet they are the ones who try to set men against women and Republicans against Democrats for their own selfish reasons.

Why should a woman get equal pay when men don't? I grew up with the seniority system where some jackass was on a different payscale than me but we were ranked together. "Sex" is ALREADY a protected class in most states, and the law already clearly describes what "discriminatory practices" are illegal. There is nothing wrong with discrimination per se - we all discriminate every day with our money, with our relationships, with our entertainment, and with our beliefs - it's our choice - it's our liberty. Marxism has as its goal to make things equal.

I'm a liberal Democrat and an attorney but I am aghast by the hypocrisy of organizations with the word “Women” in the title. For example, it's darkly ironic that the League of Women Voters, who argue that pay is based on gender, vote based on gender! Are these people blind to their own mendacity? Let’s also debunk the "women are paid half as much as men" myth. The panty-bind folks decided schoolmarms are EQUAL to firemen but they aren't paid accordingly. These folks go around EQUATING jobs and finding pay discrepancies. Except for Marxists, anyone can see the HUGE problems with that approach. Marxists also dislike "market pressures" - they want people to get paid for their effort, not their results?!

Just for fun, let’s go down the Women-Equality road: first I want to see as many women in prison as men, and it seems equal that just as many women should be executed as men. Women will argue that men are more aggressive than women – that’s true. Testosterone makes men competitive: sometimes that’s bad (prison), and sometimes that’s good (pay). I suggest the first step for women to achieve pay equality with men is for them to get daily injections of testosterone.
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