Malevolence vs. Passivity

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Martin Hash
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Malevolence vs. Passivity

Post by Martin Hash » Sat Oct 09, 2021 9:27 am

There's a large portion of the population that hates America for the same reasons people hate anything: envy, resentment & insecurity; and it expresses itself as malevolence. This isn't a new phenomena, it's human nature; the difference now is democracy lets them enact their spite, perversity & sadism. None of this is surprising: no, it's the passivity of men in the face of this development that's surprising. They choose not to believe what's happening, or simply capitulate rather than risk their complacency. It may even be that most men are content to let it happen because they too harbor envy, resentment & insecurity and want to experience the spite, perversity & sadism themselves.
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