Nouveau Aristocracy

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Martin Hash
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Nouveau Aristocracy

Post by Martin Hash » Mon May 17, 2010 1:25 pm

Neocons operate under the misconception that people obey laws simply because they will be punished otherwise, but in real life, rules only work if The People voluntarily obey them. The history of Europe is rife with examples of civil disobedience against laws intended to protect the power and position of the aristocracies, eventually leading to revolution. A disenfranchised populace cannot be pacified without brutal repression.

America’s Nouveau Aristocracy and their apologists rail incessantly against what they consider their inalienable right to power and privilege – basing their arguments on a first-come-first-serve mentality, and an illusionary meritocracy. This myopic self-interest and sense of superiority blinds them to the realities of potential civil unrest. To the Neocons, more police, prisons, and punishment is the answer.

However, it would be to their ultimate advantage to accept the inevitability of public resentment towards their privileged position in life, and admit that they can only enjoy their bounty if The People allow it. Anything else is hubris at the guillotine. The easiest way to preclude this inevitability is for society to foster a robust and substantial Middle Class - make sure the wealth is spread around so that everyone has something to lose.
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