Women & Respect

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Re: Women & Respect

Post by K@th » Fri Jan 06, 2017 2:19 pm

You said it always occurs after they've got the contingency plan in place. Explain how always doesn't mean all of them. What is your definition of always?
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Re: Women & Respect

Post by Smitty-48 » Fri Jan 06, 2017 2:22 pm

I don't get the thing with being all weepy about the Ex taking the kids neither, why would you want kids around crimping your style, when you're back on the prowl? You can make more of them if you want to, ain't no thang, take the kids, honey bunny, enjoy, and here's some money for your troubles, it's cheaper than boarding school in the end, if you need me for something, I'll be over here fucking this younger broad, just leave a message on the phone, have a nice day, and buh-bye now.
Last edited by Smitty-48 on Fri Jan 06, 2017 2:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Women & Respect

Post by Fife » Fri Jan 06, 2017 2:23 pm

Kath wrote:You said it always occurs after they've got the contingency plan in place. Explain how always doesn't mean all of them. What is your definition of always?
Read what I said.

Absent compromised mental state (or faulty counsel) or threats of violence (that's a broad term of art), a rational actor in our system acts in a predictable way. Like knowing time sunup tomorrow is predictable.

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Re: Women & Respect

Post by Speaker to Animals » Fri Jan 06, 2017 2:24 pm

Smitty-48 wrote:I don't get the thing with being all weepy about the Ex taking the kids neither, why would you want kids around crimping your style, when you're back on the prowl? You can make more of them if you want to, ain't no thang, take the kids, honey bunny, enjoy, and here's some money for your troubles, it's cheaper than boarding school in the end, if you need me for something, I'll be over here fucking this younger broad, just leave a message on the phone, have a nice day, buh-bye now.

Because you won't be back on the prowl when you are enslaved to your ex, and you live on bologna sandwiches for the next twenty years while your ex uses your hard-earned income to pay for luxuries, clothes, and vacations with the man you have to hope and pray won't harm your children. Your prowling days are over.

Which is why men should NOT get married until this shit is fixed.

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Re: Women & Respect

Post by Speaker to Animals » Fri Jan 06, 2017 2:26 pm

Smitty-48 wrote:Just be the Alpha, all day every day, no woman can crush the soul of an Alpha, and any woman who don't appreciate being in the presence of the Alpha, will find herself easily replaced by a nubile, within about a week or so. Walk tall, be the Rooster, and they will come to you; problem solved.

Well, you will need to be alpha when they lock you in a cage with violent criminals because you can't afford to pay onerous child support awards to the woman who stole your children from you. That much is true.

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Re: Women & Respect

Post by Smitty-48 » Fri Jan 06, 2017 2:29 pm

Bah, my mother walked out on my father, cost him some dough until I joined the army, but he didn't let that crimp his style, he partied non stop until he found himself another wife, hell, my Da's girlfriends were fucking hot, I wanted to fuck them too, he didn't let a little alimony get in the way of a good time, price of doing business.

My mother couldn't steal me from my father, I came back to poppa on my own, we partied, good times, right until the day he died in fact, there was no woman at his side when he died, but I was there, usque ad finem.
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Re: Women & Respect

Post by Speaker to Animals » Fri Jan 06, 2017 2:35 pm

Smitty-48 wrote:Bah, my mother walked out on my father, cost him some dough until I joined the army, but he didn't let that crimp his style, he partied non stop until he found himself another wife, hell, my Da's girlfriends were fucking hot, I wanted to fuck them too, he didn't let a little alimony get in the way of a good time, price of doing business.

It's not the same as back then, man.

It's slowly changing back to normal in some states, but it's fucking crazy in most situations. Divorce for a man now, who has children, is basically the end of any chance of a meaningful relationship with women. Sure, you can probably get into hook-up culture, but I am telling you right now that longterm that makes you feel worse than just going monk.

I am not exaggerating about how bad it can be. Canada is top of the list for embrace the suck. A father's best chance in some cases is to simply flee the country and never look back.

Here in North Carolina, I know a guy who used to own a deli. One of his employees had his pay garnished. The state took 100% of the man's income. He had to sleep in a cot in the kitchen of the deli. It's become full-blown slavery bolstered by the crocodile tears chicks shed in courts.

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Re: Women & Respect

Post by Speaker to Animals » Fri Jan 06, 2017 2:46 pm

Honestly, I think one of the best hopes we have is with guys like Smitty, who's wife is the primary earner. If she decides to take off, he could pull a Mike Cernovich and extract alimony from her. As men are increasingly disenfranchised from good education with feminist policies, from primary school to college campuses, women will increasingly earn more money than men, which means these feminists laws will slowly begin to benefit men rather than women. Women will see this and I guarantee these laws will get repealed stat.

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Re: Women & Respect

Post by Smitty-48 » Fri Jan 06, 2017 2:48 pm

Speaker to Animals wrote: A father's best chance in some cases is to simply flee the country and never look back.
Flee the country and never look back then, Alpha's, French Foreign Legion has a place for you, with a new identity and French passport too, Legio Patria Nostra!
Last edited by Smitty-48 on Fri Jan 06, 2017 2:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Women & Respect

Post by Speaker to Animals » Fri Jan 06, 2017 2:49 pm

Smitty-48 wrote:Flee the country and never look back then, Alpha's, French Foreign Legion has a place for you, with a new identity and French passport too, Legio Patria Nostra!

I would have loved to do that. I actually wanted to do it, but back then the chronic pain was totally debilitating.

The Foreign Legion is a great option for young men facing this kind of injustice.