Women & Respect

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Re: Women & Respect

Post by SuburbanFarmer » Sun Jan 08, 2017 6:54 pm

LVH2 wrote:Women have keener senses. And they have them for a reason. Women shopping, are kind of playing at being gatherers. And if they shop well, they show a fine sense of identifying the right colored things and putting them together. They'll pick out the right fruits and herbs. They'll be good cooks. They'll make an attractive home, and dress the family attractively. We put this all under the umbrella of taste. Going right back to being able to pick out the best berries in the field.
Damn, somehow I never put that together... Nice point.
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Re: Women & Respect

Post by Okeefenokee » Sun Jan 08, 2017 6:59 pm

stefan molyneux did a video a couple years ago where we went over a lot of stuff like that. It was interesting to hear for the first time.
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Re: Women & Respect

Post by MilSpecs » Sun Jan 08, 2017 7:54 pm

It also bears noting: men adorn their women as a sign of status. Not because all those women are vain creatures who want things, but because men signal power that way. I see men all the time who clearly enjoy signaling that they can afford to buy things for their wives and daughters. There's talk about "wife and daughters went to the mall - at the salon - insert-an-expensive-outing" and commiserate "how much it's costing me," but clearly hear the satisfied undertone of "we're providing well for our families." (FTR, I have no problem with anyone being proud of supporting his family well through his hard work. It is something to be proud of.)

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Re: Women & Respect

Post by SuburbanFarmer » Sun Jan 08, 2017 8:36 pm

MilSpecs wrote:It also bears noting: men adorn their women as a sign of status. Not because all those women are vain creatures who want things, but because men signal power that way. I see men all the time who clearly enjoy signaling that they can afford to buy things for their wives and daughters. There's talk about "wife and daughters went to the mall - at the salon - insert-an-expensive-outing" and commiserate "how much it's costing me," but clearly hear the satisfied undertone of "we're providing well for our families." (FTR, I have no problem with anyone being proud of supporting his family well through his hard work. It is something to be proud of.)
Just don't try to get out of house chores for it, amirite?
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Re: Women & Respect

Post by Speaker to Animals » Sun Jan 08, 2017 9:50 pm

MilSpecs wrote:It also bears noting: men adorn their women as a sign of status. Not because all those women are vain creatures who want things, but because men signal power that way. I see men all the time who clearly enjoy signaling that they can afford to buy things for their wives and daughters. There's talk about "wife and daughters went to the mall - at the salon - insert-an-expensive-outing" and commiserate "how much it's costing me," but clearly hear the satisfied undertone of "we're providing well for our families." (FTR, I have no problem with anyone being proud of supporting his family well through his hard work. It is something to be proud of.)
And.. statistics show that when men do not make as much as their wives, odds of her cheating on or divorcing him shoot up pretty fast. You have the control and domination reversed. What you said would be akin to saying plantation slaves owned their masters because they did all the work.

While I am not saying men don't contribute to the social problems currently tearing our civilization apart (and that is happening), women are responsible for the lion's share of those problems. Every city that gets burned down by black mobs, for example, have in common the scourge of single motherhood. Single mothers produce large numbers of thug males who had no father in their lives. While we can also blame democratic party policies that encourage fatherlessness, divorce, and female dependency upon the state, the fact remains that women are choosing this. Go back to that recent riot last year where you had a group of single mothers on camera pleading with their sons to go burn down white peoples' neighborhoods because they needed their weave shops.

The lion's share of responsibility for broken families in general should be placed at the feet of women who fought hard for three generations to create this evil family court system and system of laws that exploit men and children for women's profit. Women initiate the majority of divorces. They get all the benefits of marriage (while men now get no benefit whatsoever from marriage), and they profit enormously upfront from the divorce (though, in reality, most of them get burned longterm, thankfully).

Check this shit out:
Expectations for a spouse are much higher than they used to be.

For most of Western history, marriage had little equality. Wives bore the brunt of child care and housework, depended on their husbands for financial support and enjoyed little social autonomy while men openly had affairs.

Fast-forward to the age of rom-coms, Valentine’s Day and a $50 billion wedding industry. It’s all based on finding, marrying and keeping “The One.”

“Today Americans want not only a spouse who is reliable and reasonable, but also someone who is their best friend, and a great lover, and someone who pays the bills … but is also really fun,” said Stanford sociologist Michael Rosenfeld.

According to research that Rosenfeld presented at the American Sociological Association’s annual meeting last week, these heightened expectations can leave women feeling worse off in marriage than men. In a survey of 2,262 adults in heterosexual partnerships over the course of five years, Rosenfeld found that women initiate divorces 69 percent of the time.

On the whole, they also reported less satisfaction with their marriages than men.

Scientists have known for decades that wives are usually the ones asking for a divorce. But Rosenfeld’s study also surveyed people in non-marital romantic relationships, from casual flings to couples who had lived together for several years; in those relationships, women and men initiated breakups at equal rates. So there’s something about marriage that makes it harder on women.

“The expectation is that marriage has a whole bunch of benefits and positive characteristics for women that it didn’t have in the past, but the truth is much trickier than that,” Rosenfeld said.
https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/sol ... e-divorce/

This ridiculous writer writes an article lauding the degeneracy of our culture, and the annihilation of children's families for the personal gain of women. They begin with the most ludicrous assertion that women didn't in the past benefit from marriage. Women ALWAYS benefited most from marriage! This shouldn't even have to be argued. For most of history, and even today, if we men refused to help females, quite a lot of women would simply die. They can't feed themselves. They can't do basic shit. They live in an illusion of self-sufficiency (arguably, a lot of feminized men are like that now too, but they still have the chance to revert back to the natural state).

Outside of marriage, in a realpolitik world, the only value women have to men is in the fertile years. Once you get into your thirties, without marriage, you are out on your ass. Leave the kids. Good luck. Marriage solved that. Women gave men their fertility and men received the knowledge that the children their wives bear are their own (and women managed to cheat at that deal too some extent). Now we have ZERO benefit from marriage. Women can cheat without repercussions. In a divorce, they get the children, and men are enslaved to pay for them. Even if it turns out the woman cheated and bore some other man's child, guess who has to pay child support? You bet. The wronged ex-husband.

Now women are destroying marriages at an unbelievable rate, causing enormous negative social and economic repercussions that we really cannot afford as a society or nation. And the left celebrates this!


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Re: Women & Respect

Post by LVH2 » Mon Jan 09, 2017 3:29 am

I found it funny how they phrased that. "Depended on their husbands for financial support." I'm really not sure there's a more cult like, yet popular belief system.

Hubby is breaking his ass to pay the bills while you watch soap operas. How can we describe that so it sounds like oppression?

I'm being sort of glib. There are situations where men use money to control women, but come on. The flip side is, even now, millions of women enjoy comfortable lives without ever working a day, or only working as a fun project, like making jewelry. And many of them have at least some help with the kids and housework. That's a cushy path in life, and it's mostly only open to women. Why not discuss these things with a bias level bellow that of a WW2 Bugs Bunny cartoon?

As for men spending on women. I think that's somewhat true. I've had this conversation a lot of times, playing poker. Indeed, I think some of the reason big strip hotels have poker rooms is so that the men can be kept busy while their WAGs shop.

I think, as a rule, women spend most of the money, regardless of who earns it. There's some idea (though maybe a bit old fashioned) that a woman who is worth a lot, will cost a lot. And women seem much more attracted to things that are expensive because they are expensive. A $2000 purse that cost $20 to make, but everyone in their world knows it cost $2000 because it has a certain symbol on it, so it is desirable. So if you have a trophy wife, part of the equation is she will spend a lot, and so it can be a badge of honor in a way.

But this can also be something that goes too far. I wonder how many men, and/or families, have really been damaged by their wife's spending. Maybe some journo or academic has decided to commit career suicide by trying to find the facts on that.

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Re: Women & Respect

Post by LVH2 » Mon Jan 09, 2017 3:50 am

Speaker to Animals wrote: So there’s something about marriage that makes it harder on women.
I missed that the first time. :lol:

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Re: Women & Respect

Post by SuburbanFarmer » Mon Jan 09, 2017 6:58 am

My gf's cousin has a wife like that. Poor bastard. He works like a dog to feed her spending, and it's hard to watch. Her kids can't eat anything non-organic, and she never bothered learning to cook. Must be one hell of a lay.
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Re: Women & Respect

Post by DrYouth » Mon Jan 09, 2017 2:00 pm

I don't think blaming a gender on the breakdown of marriage is going to get us anywhere...

Regardless of whether you want to blame men or women.

But we won't improve marriage success without engaging both genders in the conversation... that much can be said for certain.
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Re: Women & Respect

Post by Speaker to Animals » Mon Jan 09, 2017 2:02 pm

DrYouth wrote:I don't think blaming a gender on the breakdown of marriage is going to get us anywhere...

Regardless of whether you want to blame men or women.

But we won't improve marriage success without engaging both genders in the conversation... that much can be said for certain.

Sorry, doc, but it's absolutely essential to discuss who is at fault for this, even more so because the same sex responsible for it in the first place are the same ones who, politically, keep reform from happening.