Chinese Opera.JPG
Among the things that diminish with age is the sense of self-consciousness. When I was younger, I always felt uncomfortable dressing up in a costume or a suit, but now, without much prodding, I'll be in every dress-up photo that comes along. My wife, Gwynne, never the recluse I was, has taken great advantage of my acceptance that sometimes the only interesting photos that are ones where we look the most ridiculous.Chinese Opera 2.JPG
Chinese Opera 6.JPG
In the big tourist city of Chengdu, home of pandas, we went to the Chinese opera. It was engaging & bizarre in its own right, but beforehand we paid a small amount to dress up like the characters, including face painting. I'm pretty sure we looked more outlandish than cultural but lots of local Chinese took pictures of us, and one of the photos will go up on a wall back home.Chinese Opera 3.JPG