Watching TV

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Martin Hash
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Joined: Wed Jan 20, 2010 2:02 pm

Watching TV

Post by Martin Hash » Wed Feb 24, 2010 1:27 pm

Seal at Walvis Bay, Namibia.JPG
The first thing you think when entering Swakopmund, Namibia after spending 5 months in west Africa is “this is where Brad and Angelina choose to have their baby.” Just kidding, that’s not what you think (even though it’s true). What you think is “we’re back to civilization.” Swakopmund is the finest tourist town I’ve ever been in any nation. It’s faux turn-of-the-20th century with enough original buildings to claim authenticity. It’s relatively cheap, has a combination of schlock and upscale shops, great restaurants, modern accommodations (though not luxury) along with abundant youth hostels, and activities that outclass even Cancun, Mexico.

My wife and I went skydiving, quad-biking on the best dunes I’ve ever seen, sand-boarding, city-walk, sunset horseback riding in English saddles, birding (exceptional), and seal-watching from kayaks. Our kayaking guide was a middle-aged Afrikaner who served in the war and whose impressions of apartheid were pricelessly parochial. He tried to make normal tourist smalltalk, but after 5 months I was all touristed out so I hit any subject I could think of: GM bankruptcy, NGOs, Land Rovers, corruption, etc., and tarried on topics he seemed energized by. At one point I mentioned that my wife’s name was “Gwynne” and we travel the world to see penguins (Gwynne = guin). He surprised me by saying, “My dog likes to watch TV.”
I didn’t comment, fascinated by the topic skew.
“The first thing he does when we get home is run for the set,” he continued.
I nodded, entranced.
“He likes nature programs and Animal Planet. Whenever he sees a lion or a wolf, he jumps on the screen.” Our guide looks at me guiltily. “Before I taught him not to, of course.”
“Of course,” I agreed.
Our guide looked back to his driving. “Cartoons are his favorites. He can recognize cartoon animals.” He turned back to me and nodded, sagely. I smiled, encouraging him to go on.
“His favorite cartoon is that penguin movie. He sits really close to the picture when that movie’s on.”
Now I got the connection. “Uh… That’s pretty cool,” I struggled to contribute to the conversation. “I’d like to see that.”
"I’ll send you the video,” he said, sincerely.
I had no more ideas for discussion after that.
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