Domestic Terrorist
- Posts: 18997
- Joined: Wed Jan 20, 2010 2:02 pm
Domestic Terrorist
It’s not hard to identify a “domestic terrorist,” heck, I am one. For those of you who haven’t figured it out, women & pussy men mostly, here’s how you can tell:
1) Male
2) White
3) Middle Age or older
If the person doesn’t have all of the attributes, they’re a “Right-winger,” or if they have more, they’re a “Nazi.”
Terrorizing is all I got left, and it turns out, insurrection is easy: Democrats think you need a Buffalo Lodge hat, leather pants & war paint, but it really only requires a fake cough. I also insist my gender pronoun is “Your Majesty” to the grocery checker; and I put a sticker on my gas-guzzling Corvette that says “Black Lives Don’t Matter More Than Yours;” I applied for $20K in free “stimulus” money I have no intention of paying back. I’m maskless in public right this second: people are running, screaming; one woman in a Karen haircut is holding her neck. This is what it’s going to be like from here on out. Like fine scotch, perversity is a taste you learn to appreciate.
It used to be that people expected me to be clever & entertaining. While Trump was president, no problem, I had long experience soothing rough edges and making people feel comfortable even though they knew I supported him. Afterwards though, all those same people wanted to do was exclaim how anybody (like me, the only PhD in computer science they will ever meet) must be crazy if they think the election was fraudulent. And, of course, the pandemic is the #1 topic of discussion, and how anybody (like me, the only MD in their group) must be crazy if they think it's a sham. They say Kyle Rittenhouse was guilty and that anybody (like me, the only lawyer in the room) must be an idiot so say otherwise. Not to mention the thoroughly debunked Russian Collusion hoax, and all the other hoaxes. I just quit entertaining people with my sparkling rhetoric; I'll take a back seat for a while rather than argue with used-to-be friends. Integrity no longer has value, nor honesty, nor consistency. I'm stranger in a strange land nowadays but I’ve always been attracted to new experiences: I’ll be an excellent lying, cowardly, resentful SOB. Unfortunately, when the 3 am knock on the door comes, I won’t have anyone to call...
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