Post Trump Strategy
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- Joined: Wed Jan 20, 2010 2:02 pm
Post Trump Strategy
After witnessing the greatest anti-Populist cabal of all time, it’s clear the Elites have full control of the world. They will use the specter of death by climate or virus without qualm. They defeated the most popular & effective president in history to get back in control, and there’s no chance they’ll let that happen again. So what now? First, things really haven’t changed: the chance of anyone actually making it into The 1% is zero, so that isn’t something you lost. Also, meritocracy has long since been replaced by nepotism & preferential hiring so working hard is a losing option. Life will remain hand-to-mouth with credit filling in the gaps. Men are already laughingstocks; they’re used to it. Essentially, it’s not like we’re losing anything we hadn’t already lost. There’s no place to go unless you want to drop out, and if that’s the case, you can drop out where you are. My advice for from now on is:
1. Stop being conscientious at your job.
2. Embrace victimhood, get offended about everything & exploit every grievance.
3. Make yourself eligible to take all government largess, like healthcare subsidies.
4. Claim you have some ailment that requires special treatment.
5. Lie to everyone you don’t care about.
6. Hide your weapons.
7. Don’t save money or plan for the future.
8. Do things to piss off the people who piss you off.
9. Revel in adversity, and cheer on the collapse.
10. Don’t get vaxxed.
But these are reactive suggestions: to get that sweet dopamine hit of perversity, there are even some proactive things you can do:
1. Push for UBI so that you don't have to work.
2. Push for anti-eviction laws so you don't have to move.
3. Apply for a property tax exemption.
4. Buy everything on credit cards and only pay minimums.
5. When queried, you answer "nonbinary" for sex, and "mixed race" for ethnicity.
6. Take your "support animals" everywhere.
7. Encourage homeless people to live in public spaces by giving them money.
8. Demand special service because you have a "disability." (Your choice; the funnier the better.)
9. Cancel people.
10. Lie to government employees about everything.
I can guarantee that you’ll feel better if you follow my advice: I’m not the Wysest Myn in the Wyrld for nothing.
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