I often have the debate with pet lovers whether animals have souls, or whatever? My position is that animals are robots, programmed by some unknown mechanism called instinct, but personalities that can be easily reproduced by a computer program. This is something I can speak with authority, having spent a career writing computer simulations of physical phenomena, but many people reject my expert opinion: they think their dog is "special." Nothing can replace Bootsie.robot cat.jpg
If you are personally of the opinion that the Turing Challenge, a person thinks the voice on the other end of the phone is real, will soon be accomplished, then how can you not think that a chicken can't be represented by computer now? Certainly cats are easily simulated, and a dog would hardly be a day's more consideration. Even primates aren't much of a problem. That flesh and blood creature you love for its individuality is just a Packard that poops.Robot Pet.jpg