Hidden Government Slush Funds

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Hidden Government Slush Funds

Post by C-Mag » Sun Jan 07, 2018 7:13 pm

Time and again we find the US Government is quietly keeping slush funds or funneling monies to favored groups. One of the most basic prohibitions in the US Constitution. “No Money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in Consequence of Appropriations made by Law,” is the way the parchment puts it.

Recently the DOJ was busted for shaking down banks and funneling the money to Non-Profits favored by the Senior Administrators in the DOJ. The same type of scam was being pulled by the EPA. Then there's the Treasury Department and Iran. Everyone knows we paid Billions to Iran for some damn reason, but no one asks where the Billions of Dollars came from. This money was famously shipped to Iran on pallets in a cargo plane. The government tried to keep is covert, but it was made public. So how does an Administration get Billions of Dollars to do things they want to do without going through Congress?
The administration tapped a little-known account at the Treasury Department called the Judgment Fund. It is a special account used to pay out claims against the US government.

The details of how the administration did this, however, are being treated like a state secret. The State Department spokesman has clammed up tighter than a conch in a mudslide.
The topic erupted at the State Department’s daily not only on Tuesday but also today. This was after Claudia Rosett reported in the New York Sun that the administration made 13 transfers of $99,999,999.99 each.
Those payments add up to 13 cents shy of $1.3 billion. They were made January 19, two days after President Obama announced he’d cut a deal with the mullahs for $1.7 billion
http://www.nysun.com/national/call-it-j ... ing/89696/


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