If you can do that, and put yourself in a state of ketosis, then you can take your abilities to the next level. I know, it sounds like I'm about to make a pitch for a magic protein shake pr something, but I'm not. I'm sharing some wisdom with you about taking your existence up a notch.
So, what will you notice when you go into ketosis and start powering your body off fat and the ketones in your blood stream? Well, for me the benefits included:
- * Increased mental clarity/focus
* Elevated levels of energy
* Considerable endurance boost
So . . . before you pooh-pooh this ketogenic diet stuff as a bunch of new-age twaddle I invite you to give it five days. Five. Measly. Days. To unlock your latent superpowers. It will take about three days for your body to make the switch from carb energy to ketone energy. You may have a slight to moderate headache when the change takes place. But once you're in ketosis you're going to see what I'm talking about.
It's the diet of champions.
The diet of metas.
And if you can hack that, then we can talk about the payoff of intermittent fasting.
Now buy my magic sawgrass shakes.